Introducing two members of the rival Neuhaven's...
Meet two members of the Neuhaven's expedition team, Garett Van Dyne and Darius Kendrix! The Neuhaven Expedition team, led by Garett Van Dyne, is a rival faction that is also...
Introducing two members of the rival Neuhaven's...
Meet two members of the Neuhaven's expedition team, Garett Van Dyne and Darius Kendrix! The Neuhaven Expedition team, led by Garett Van Dyne, is a rival faction that is also...
Commanders! Prepare for the Joint Military Exercise! The 3D action shooter game, Azur Lane: Crosswave, will launch physically and digitally on the PlayStation®4 in North America and Europe and on...
Commanders! Prepare for the Joint Military Exercise! The 3D action shooter game, Azur Lane: Crosswave, will launch physically and digitally on the PlayStation®4 in North America and Europe and on...
Meet Jester Silverhawk, another character from ...
Jester Silverhawk is also one of the members in Quinn's expedition team, where acts as the reconnaissance member, actively gathering information. He is stoic, yet extremely devoted towards his missions....
Meet Jester Silverhawk, another character from ...
Jester Silverhawk is also one of the members in Quinn's expedition team, where acts as the reconnaissance member, actively gathering information. He is stoic, yet extremely devoted towards his missions....
Introducing Rune Fontine and her "maternal powe...
As part of the military clergy, Rune is in charge of treating injured troops that got hurt during the perilous journey. She is skilled at sewing and cooking, and...
Introducing Rune Fontine and her "maternal powe...
As part of the military clergy, Rune is in charge of treating injured troops that got hurt during the perilous journey. She is skilled at sewing and cooking, and...
New Screenshots from Arc of Alchemist - Explore...
The release date of the desert-filled Arc of Alchemist is coming fast, so we would like to share some more tips and screenshots with you from the game! Here...
New Screenshots from Arc of Alchemist - Explore...
The release date of the desert-filled Arc of Alchemist is coming fast, so we would like to share some more tips and screenshots with you from the game! Here...
Azur Lane: Crosswave - Commander's Calendar Edi...
Commanders, raise the anchor and get ready to set sail! We’re happy to announce that the Azur Lane: Crosswave - Commander's Calendar Edition will be coming to retailers across Europe...
Azur Lane: Crosswave - Commander's Calendar Edi...
Commanders, raise the anchor and get ready to set sail! We’re happy to announce that the Azur Lane: Crosswave - Commander's Calendar Edition will be coming to retailers across Europe...