The Blood Maidens are ready to fight their way through Jail!
We are going to detail some bloody tactics below, make sure you master them to ensure victory!
Continual blood splatter in battle raises each Blood Maiden's Blood Splatter meter. Fill the meter to activate Massacre Mode!
Activating Massacre Mode unlocks Massacre Skills for use in battle, along with boosting all of the respective Blood Maiden's stats, allowing her to unleash devastating attacks!
Receiving damage or becoming KO'd in battle affects each Blood Maiden's emotional stability, compounding the corruption meter in battle.
Accumulating too much corruption sends a Blood Maiden into Blood Skelter Mode, a state of madness that can prove fatal.
In Blood Skelter Mode, Blood Maidens will disobey the player's commands. They may turn rogue, attacking friends and foes alike in the heat of combat.
Can you take advantage of their maddened state to overcome tough enemies? Use at your own risk!
Blood Skelter Mode can only be reversed by risking your protagonist's life to purify the Blood Maiden!
Use the "Lick" command in battle to save a fellow Blood Maiden by licking the blood off of her! Doing so activates a Blood Soul skill which can either recover a unit or strengthen it in battle!
Licking a Blood Maiden removes the blood and resets her Blood Splatter meter, delaying Massacre Mode from activating.
Effects vary among Blood Maidens. Experiment to find the optimal result! Customise the party best suited to your play style.
When enemies splatter enough blood,
they will spin around to look behind them, activating the Kagome-Kagome Effect!
Attack enemies while their heads are turned to deal massive damage to their weak points. Some weapons have a Bloodshot Effect, in tandem with certain skills, to activate the Kagome-Kagome Effect. Enemies in this state become defenseless, increasing the damage dealt by your party and the amount of blood splattered by foes!
Strategise while an enemy turns around by ordering all Blood Maidens to strike at once, or take the time to regroup and heal your party. Mastery of this skill can render an enemy inactive for one whole turn!
In a battle, if there is a cut-in at the start of your turn, that's a chance for a critical attack!
Critical Notice attacks come in tiers. The higher the level, the more your attacks and effects compound! However, the Critical will only apply to an "Attack"-type action, so depending on the situation, you will be forced to decide between "Attack" or "Recovery"!
But outside were thousands of corpses soaking in a sea of blood. There stood beings known as Massacre Pink, smiling. In that moment, hope was destroyed. The group was torn asunder, with Jack and the Blood Maidens scattered to their own paths. Separated, they are each drawn to the devouring Jail that floats in the sky...