Dragon Star Varnir Artist Spotlight Q&A - Kei Nanameda

In today’s Artist Spotlight segment, we reached out to Kei Nanameda to learn about his history as an artist, as well as a glimpse of his mind!

Artist Spotlight
Kei Nanameda

Previous Projects
“My representative work includes the Mary Skelter Series, Death end re;Quest, and Trillion.”

When did you start working in the game industry?
“I've been in the game industry for 13 years, but I started to do illustration work as Kei Nanameda about 9 years ago.”

Who is your favourite character in Dragon Star Varnir and why?
“I like Karikaro the most. I'm a little attached to her since I did design her, but I also just like her character. She can be tough and stoic but we also see these tender and ditzy moments about her throughout the game. That duality is adorable. I also love the fact that she likes to cook.”

If you were a witch in Varneria, what type of power would you have and why?
“I want to fly! It must feel so liberating to just fly about the sky. Life would be easier if we could just get around using flight, wouldn't it?”


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