A slightly sadistic individual who refers to anyone she's interested in as "little piggy." She is fond of teasing others, no matter their rank, and has a tendency to be outspoken. Her actions cause others to run amok. Even still, her talents are worthy, and she is a fantastic asset in any mission she embarks upon. This particular pedigree she offers is why she's been chosen to take part in the Joint Military Exercise.
As the strongest aircraft carrier in the Eagle Union, she is known for the many battles she has won against enemies both on the ocean and in the sky. Everyone knows how powerful she is, which makes her a fantastic representative of the Eagle Union in the Joint Military Exercise. She will sacrifice herself for her allies and constantly seeks new rivals. As she has sensed something amiss during the Joint Military Exercise, she has begun investigating what is really going on behind the scenes. This has caused her bond with a certain someone to deepen over the course of this exercise.